Labor Week

Horror Films And Children

UNITED STATES—With Halloween fast approaching; it’s become a trend in America to celebrate how festive the holiday truly is. For those TV lovers, the scare fests have already begun on many Cable channels, which open the discussion of what kids should or should not see. I previously tackled this debate in the previous year and I’m still solid on my...

Analyzing Fear

UNITED STATES—When it comes to fear, how precisely can you describe what it is? Is it a sense of dread, is it an environment, is it a person or a combination of all of those things? With the month of October now upon us, all things spooky and scary are invading our neighborhoods, local retailers, homes, television and so...

That Gut Instinct

UNITED STATES—We have all heard of the saying “go with your gut instinct,” but precisely what does that mean? Is that a feeling, is it a hunch or is it a premonition? I would say it’s possible it’s all of these things. So why is it that so many people don’t go with that gut feeling? I think we...

Utilizing That College Degree

UNITED STATES—For more than four years you attended that university taking classes to obtain that degree that you were interested in. Notice the key word ‘interested.’ That was the one thing I found frustrating about college, the factoid that you have to settle on a specific major. I mean sometimes people have multiple interests or things that grab their...

Falsely Accused

UNITED STATES—Have you heard about the incident involving tennis star James Blake and the New York Police Officer who tackled him suspecting that he was a suspect in a crime? Yeah, you probably have and it raises a ton of questions once again whether some police officers are abusing their powers. I’ve seen countless outlets posting pics of James...

Demanding More From Our Politicians

UNITED STATES—Politics, it’s the one subject matter just like religion that gets so many people riled up. I can’t really recall having a healthy conversation with anyone I know when it comes to the issue of politics. It seems to always boil down to this issue of Democrats vs. Republicans or vice versa. For the oddest reason, many of...

Labor Day Blues

UNITED STATES—With Labor Day now beyond us, its official that the summer is now long over and it’s time to get back to work. Some of you might be asking precisely what do I mean by that statement? Well, to a degree summer ending, kicks things back into gear for adults. Yes, we might go to work all-year round, but...

Work Overload

UNITED STATES—Why does it seem nowadays that the idea of work has stretched far beyond reality? Some of us work part-time, some of us work full-time, and some of us work 2-3 jobs. Work is no longer a part of our lives, it is our lives. We wake up preparing to go to work and we fall asleep with...

Banking 101

UNITED STATES—The bank, oh isn’t it a glorious thing or is it? I didn’t get my first bank account until probably my freshman year in college. I’ve always been good with saving money, but I realized at some point I would need to cash my checks, save money for a house, a car and a load of other amenities....

Back To School Supplies

UNITED STATES—Well it’s that time of year: school is about to be back in session! For many parents, it’s a glorious time, but it’s also a time of year that can be quite costly depending on the grade the child is in and rather they attend a public or private school. I recall growing up that school supplies weren’t...
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