Tag: trees
Banana Trees Actually Produce Bananas
UNITED STATES—Banana trees, much like palms, arboriform yuccas and cordylines, are herbaceous trees. They develop no secondary xylem, or wood. What seems to be...
Palm Trees Deserve Special Accommodation
UNITED STATES—Palm trees qualify as trees merely because of their size and form. The most familiar sorts here develop trunks, and many grow quite...
Staking Helps Keep Trees Straight
UNITED STATES—Planting trees often involves staking. Until they disperse new roots, many new trees rely on stakes for stabilization. Their stability is limited by...
Electrical Cables Necessitate Arboricultural Atrocities
UNITED STATES—Electrical cables are hazardous! There is no need to elaborate. That is why high voltage electrical cables are either subterranean or aerial. Subterranean...
Clearance Pruning Directs Obtrusive Vegetation
UNITED STATES—Pruning techniques are very diverse to serve various purposes. Dormant pruning during winter concentrates resources for spring or summer growth. Hedging or shearing...
Arboriculture Is Horticulture Of Trees
UNITED STATES—Recently wintry weather is a reminder that large trees require maintenance. Otherwise, some are likely to eventually drop limbs or blow over. Even...
Wind Is Messy And Hazardous
UNITED STATES—Arborists become more popular after storms. That is when consequences of negligent tree maintenance become more apparent. Wind dislodges limbs and destabilizes whole...
Pollard And Coppice During Winter
UNITED STATES—This is extreme dormant pruning. Pollard and coppice pruning involve complete removal of all new growth. They typically involve growth from a previous...
Living Christmas Trees Eventually Mature
UNITED STATES—Christmas trees are extreme cut foliage. They stand alone, rather than as accessories to cut flowers. Most are a few feet tall, and...
Wood Still Warms Many Homes
UNITED STATES—Fireplaces and wood stoves are not completely obsolete. They are merely less common than they were years ago. Modern building codes prohibit them...