SAN FRANCISCO— Members of the San Francisco Police Department will be taking part in the 24-hour Napa Valley Ragnar Relay Race that will begin in the city on Friday, September 14.
According to the SFPD’s website, the 12-person SFPD team will begin the race at 10am from Marina Green Park. At approximately 1:30pm, a major team relay exchange will take place at the College of Marin, Kentfield Campus located at 835 College Avenue in Kentfield. From there the relay team will continue through Marin, Sonoma and Napa Counties into Calistoga where the race will conclude on Saturday, September 15th. Over the course of 24 hours, the team will run a total of 186 miles.
The relay team consists of SFPD officers, an active duty captain and one retired captain. Gender-wise, one woman and eleven men will be taking part for the department. Deputy Chief Lyn Tomioka will be on hand to send the team off on their run. According to the Ragnar Relay’s website, each team member runs 3 legs of the relay with each leg varying in difficulty and distance from 3 to 8 miles.
The San Francisco Police Activities League (PAL) will be the official charity recipient of the Ragnar Napa Valley Relay. Named after a 9th century Norse Viking who was an adventure seeking, conquering, tough guy, the Ragnar Relay was created in 2004 by Tanner Bell and Dan Hill. For more information about the Ragnar Napa Valley Relay, please visit www.ragnarrelay.com/race/napavalley.
By Damian Kelly